Ten participants have been selected, and ten artworks will be collected. The participants will put out, then put in, and fold back on and into themselves, creating a void wherein the law of ten-fold return becomes a manageable speculative spectacle that does not rely on karmic-, communal-, or non-profit work, but rather on charade, aggression factor, and ten pairs of sweaty palms, and ten sets of moisty pits. On the rims of an oval shaped meditation circle the participants are forced to assess their refined sensitivity for human psychology, their discipline and ability to do mathematics – and most importantly – their understanding of risk vs. reward.
Bjørn Bjarre
Constance Tenvik via Vanessa Ohlraun
David Bernstein
Ina Hagen
Lars Monrad Vaage
Marius Engh via Jorunn Hancke Øgstad
Morten Viskum
Nils Wogsted
Nasjonalmuseet / The National Museum
Thora Dolven Balke via ghostplayer
Kåre Magnus Bergh
Sverre Gullesen
Anders Dahl Monsen
Anders Holen
Linda Lerseth
Mercedes Mühleisen
Sverre Gullesen
Øyvind Aspen
The performance starts Saturday the 6th of September at 18:00, and lasts for an unknown period of time. It will also be streamed live to your nearest internet.
For those of you who want to know what this was part of, it was part of Soft City Performance Festival organized by Kunsthall Oslo.