The exhibition Practice for a Sunset functioned as a farewell party and a preparatory exercise in the act of painting at sea. After the exhibition, the four artists where to travel the grave distance from Norway to America, departing from the port of Oslo. The boat was to be used as their studio throughout the journey, and the paintings produced on board was to be presented at the Explorers Club in New York. Considering their naval plan, the four artists were in great need of both mental and physical preparation to master the strains of painting at sea. To help practice for the sunsets to come, a mobile boat-deck was built in the gallery space of Tidens Krav. By attaching a half-sphere out of steel underneath the deck's center, the construction simulated the constant wobbling of a boat tackling the ocean waves. After one week on the deck, continuously painting, the artists presented the works conceived during that period. They were shown in Tidens Krav's hallway, toilet, and two exhibition rooms.
The artists have now, in mid 2012, been accepted as members of the Explorers Club. By being the first artists to get accepted into this legendary club, they have made their mark and shown that inner journeys, or even painterly journeys, should be recognised as benchmarks in the concept of "exploration". They now find themselves in the company of legends, as well as historically significant contributors to the understanding of human existence. Tidens Krav did everything in its power to prepare these artists for the challenges ahead. The only thing lacking before embarking on their journey out onto the ocean, and into the painting, is a boat.